Monitoring - The solution has been successfully deployed. To take effect, a republish of the website is required.
Feb 06, 2025 - 16:11 GMT
Update - Our technicians are currently working on resolving this issue.
Feb 06, 2025 - 15:27 GMT
Identified - Some customers are experiencing issues while using their MyWebsite product with eCommerce integration. The issue may affect the store management panel and the store pages in live sites.
Feb 06, 2025 - 13:25 GMT
Resolved -
The systems are stable and all services are functioning normally again.
Feb 6, 13:31 GMT
Monitoring -
We are monitoring the situation to ensure that the issue does not reoccur.
Feb 6, 13:08 GMT
Identified -
Due to a technical issue with our Support Tools, our Customer Service Team are not able to answer questions related to your account.
Feb 6, 12:46 GMT
Resolved -
The issue has been resolved.
Feb 5, 12:59 GMT
Update -
We have successfully minimized the disruption and are working to completely resolve it as soon as possible.
Feb 5, 12:48 GMT
Update -
We are still working on resolving this issue. More information will follow soon.
Feb 5, 11:57 GMT
Update -
Our technicians are currently working on resolving this issue. We will post an update as soon as new information becomes available.
Feb 5, 10:52 GMT
Identified -
We’re currently experiencing degraded performance issues with some of our shared hosting Linux servers. Websites hosted there could be temporarily inaccessible or might load slower than usual. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Feb 5, 10:16 GMT
Completed -
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Feb 4, 19:00 GMT
In progress -
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Jan 7, 10:00 GMT
Scheduled -
Please be aware that we will be performing maintenance on our Website Builder systems.
During short periods of time you might not have access to your Website Builder editor. We advise you to try again the next day or after two hours in urgent cases.
Dec 26, 08:40 GMT
Resolved -
The issue has been resolved.
Jan 27, 11:38 GMT
Identified -
Due to a technical disruption, some customers are experiencing issues when trying to install WordPress in the Control Panel
Jan 27, 10:13 GMT
Completed -
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Jan 27, 02:00 GMT
In progress -
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Jan 26, 21:30 GMT
Scheduled -
Please be aware that we will be performing maintenance on our database systems.
The following services and functions may be unavailable:
- Purchased products maybe delayed during setup - Updating customer data in the Control Panel and communication email for some Control Panel actions may not be sent out - Some customers may be unable to view their invoice in the Control Panel
Additionally, our Customer Service Team may not be able to answer all questions related to your account.
All systems will be available to you as usual when the maintenance is completed, however temporary downtime is possible.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Jan 24, 14:07 GMT